Saturday, May 10, 2008

Watch Orang Besi

Today went to Ipoh to watch Iron Man...

Participants: Siyuen, Chee Yoong, Fei, Mok, Sek Yen and Hwa...

Haiz... Why Kampar so noob... No cinema geh. Nid to ride 1 hours car to Ipoh to watch movies!!!
Today Chee Yoong drive. The movie is great. Hmm... Tink I also wanna learn how to make bombs... (Jie Jie will be the first person to try my bombs...Hehe... Jie Jie, happy o nt? Shud be honoured la)

Sigh... From now on, I'll be the one female with them. So, soon, I'll be like a boy too. Yi Tong going to UTP. Kei and Hui Xin going to matriculation. I'm going to Seri Kampar with the guys. Haiz...
And the noob Lee Chee Yoong ar!! Still haven decide his future ar! Last time dun study hard, people exam you sleep at home! See now!! Must study hard from now on!!!

Okay, back to the main point. We went to Ipoh... so boring la!!! No gals shopping with me. The boys all stuck in the bookstore read books. But got something makes me happy. Finally I bought a pencil case. No bunny on it. Just a simple one.

Looks so simple, so I add a teddy bear accessory to it.

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