Monday, May 5, 2008

Another Day Out = Sing k =)

Participants: Siyuen, Wai Kei, Hui Xin, Yi Chun, Yang Jie, Sek Yen (Chee Yoong and Hwa join us later)

Kei's back from s'pore so we went to Ipoh with her... Play whole day... We go sing karaoke... and shopping. She and Hui Xin bought some expensive clothes... Hui Xin bought a RM109 shirt (uniform)... Kei bought a Rm69.90 shorts... its a very short short... =_=" shocked when the salesgirl told us the price...
(I bought a set of sushi and eat myself when they are busy trying on the shirts... Hahax)

Sing karaoke!!! Sang from 2pm till 7pm!!! Now I got a bit sore throat... We smuggle cokes and potato chips into the kbox... XP

obsessed in singing..hahax
all busy choosing songs...

After that we went to the bus stop to wait for bus... Wait till 8pm++... at last got bus back to Kampar...

Everyone is extremely hungry.. cos they just ate breakfast and those titbits for the whole day...
Me not hungry... =)

Haha... Yang Jie no eat sushi... xp


Anonymous said...

yang jie throat is mic~~

Anonymous said...

haha.. miss the day!!~*