Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Day We United

At last, all are back. Fei and Mok is back from camp. Kei is back. Everyone is here.
But everyone is busy doing their own things. Kei, Hui Xin and Yi Tong are busy packing their things to Johor, their new school is there.

Just as I expected, when Kei is back, she have no time to spend with me. Everyday busy with her things.

Fei came back today. So handsome le... =) We make dumplings together =)

So tired today... went out to buy new school uniform (the size is too big for me, hehe... I really thin liao... the boss say its the smallest size)
I bought a new pair of shoes and a new bag... so happy =)

Sad thing: Still cant buy a nice pencil case la... What happen la??!!! Why no cute cute pencil case de? I want a pencil case with a big rabbit doll... Just like my old one...

So cute rite?... but the zip is spoilt, so cant use...

Tonight maybe got go out for supper with friends... and tomorrow got a farewell party for Kei, Yi Tong and Hui Xin at my house....

I wanna get my car license ASAP!!!

*Not feeling well today... sigh...

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