Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Beautiful World

The world is no longer perfect. Its not the world I used to live in.
Disaster happens. Ruining people harmonious life.
SzeChuan's earthquake... took away so many people's hope... took away their precious family members... took away their properties.
Hurricane, cyclone... destroying our world.
I'm just a simple "homosapiens"... dunno what can I do to help.
Just do what I shud do and spend my life to the fullest. Achieve my goal and fulfill my hope. Dont waste my life. There are so many people that hope to survive, hope to pursue their dream but they never have the chance. They never have the chance to reject, just sacrifice like that. I'm so fortunate to live till now, sitting here in front of the pc's screen and enjoy my life... I should not waste the chance that God gave me.
Human is so feeble. Death is just a thing that happens everyday.

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