Friday, May 9, 2008


The things I cared about so much in the past seems not important to me now.
For example:
In the past, I'm irresistible to chocolates. Whenever I saw chocolates, my heart will fly to it. But now, I lost those passion.
(I just make a rough example, I still like chocolates)

Before this, when I saw you appeared, I'll feel like rushing to you and talk to you. I have to work so hard to stop myself from doing so. I used to think, do you have the same feeling? (自作多情) But now, the answer is not important anymore.

Hmm... the plant that I plant seems to wilt completely. Roots also gone le. Then someone accidentally throw some seeds into my pot. Never thought of planting it. Never realised when it start growing. Deciding whether I want to water the plant or not.

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