Thursday, May 15, 2008

Form 6 or Matrik?

I always put Form 6 as my last choice... never thought of studying Form 6 (they named it Pre-U now)...
I thought Matriculation course is the best, I always hope to enter it. I never think of other plans. Now, I've attend Form 6 a few days... start to know bout the main concept of Form 6. Its tough, very tough. Need to study hard... but the life is easy.

Kei and Xin is in matrik now. They nid to wash their clothes themselves, wake up early... sleep late... do everything according their schedule, the most most important is, CANNOT ONLINE!!!
Its a serious problem for me... no line means no Maple... no Viwawa... no Blogging... OMG!!!

I'm still waiting for the reply from MOE, see whether I can enter Matrik... results out on 22May...

Dunno what to do now... many people in Form 6 already start their tuition class... some bought revision books and study themselves. I want to be hard working also... but I still dunno wats my plan... Form 6 or Matrik?

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