Monday, July 5, 2010

My first day here

Updating via my handphone..
My lappie cant connect to the internet..

Registered yesterday. Very lucky cos 3 of us got the same room..

Unload our things and arranged everything... 4 person per room, thus a lonely indian gal shared a room wit us.. Pitied her cos she cant understand wat we say...

Okays... First time staying alone. Really need to learn to be independent.
Have to wash and hang clothes myself.. Have to rush to bath and quickly clean the clothes cos sked we dont have enuff clothes...

The room is so so so small for 4 person.
I kip knocked here and there...

And the food is awful.
There are so many mosquitoes!!
I got so many to complain but tat's my life for the future 4 years...



yi tong said...

we are v lucky gela... at this century, we got the mosquito electrical thing (i dun kno wads the name) then clothes, if reli malas can throw to dobby,,,then its like that gela, must fast fast bath...this is how they make our life more discipline ma....everything wil turn good later on after u get used to it coz not environment adapt us, we must adapt to the environment... good luck honey~~

yi tong said...

we are v lucky gela... at this century, we got the mosquito electrical thing (i dun kno wads the name) then clothes, if reli malas can throw to dobby,,,then its like that gela, must fast fast bath...this is how they make our life more discipline ma....everything wil turn good later on after u get used to it coz not environment adapt us, we must adapt to the environment... good luck honey~~