Sunday, July 11, 2010

First day!!

Overall is ok.. Morning got a seminar bout the school rules and regulations.. and those things we have to take attention..

Then attend the Basic Organic Chemistry class..
The lecturer just do some revision with us.

Then went to lunch with Ling.

After that we went to the school library..
Very comfortable and very suitable for doing revision.

Back dorm.
Duh.. So bad luck today.. Everything seems to disobey me.

Cut my little finger early in the morning...

Sitting alone in the dorm.
On webcam with Stickkie.. 
Seems so near.. Just in front of the screen..
I stretch my hands and touch.. but reach nothing.

I need to print out the PTPTN things.. but the website got problem..
It's so so so annoying. 
How good if I was at home.
I can use my 80gsm papers.
I can print as many copies as I like.
And.. I need not to worry about HOW TO LET MY PARENTS SIGN THE DOCUMENTS!!

It's so so so ________(I dunno how to describe) when I was alone in the room.
I miss my home.

If there was things to do.. to make my brain full.. I think I wont be homesick.
But when I have nothing to do.. I will eventually think of my home.. My shelter.
A place where I have no worries.

I think I'm very childish.. Most of my frens enter Universities and learn how to be independent early..
I think I'm too old to learn it.

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