Friday, July 16, 2010

An Outing With The Chinese Association

The kind seniors organise an outing for us..
Bring us to some famous places of K.T.
First of all... we went to the Bukit Puteri..
Then to Pasar Payang.. Then Kampong Cina..
Then Masjid Kristal.. and lastly.. Museum Terengganu.

Bukit Puteri.
I'm not sure why is it named like that. It's 200m about sea level.
We have to climb up a not very long but steep stairs up to the fort..

Then to the Pasar Payang..
There are a lot of Malay fish crackers for sale..

I bought some! Bad looking but taste nice!

Then.. we went to the Kampong Cina.
It's like a scene from those chinese drama.. Fake backgrounds.. Haha..

Those chinese house with a some erm.. poems?

Erm.. I forgot their names... They are Chinese that contribute a lot to the town.

Now.. it's the Masjid Kristal's turn.

First time entering a masjid.. (A place where Malays worshiped.)
Females are not allowed to expose their body parts when entering a sacred place like this..

So.. we have to cover our hair with a piece of cloth (provided by the Masjid) and wear a long long cloak? haha...

In the end.. this is how I look like.. Nerdy~

Can you recognize who is she? XP

To the museum.. It's the largest museum in South East Asia.
Frankly speaking.. it's damn boring. =_=

The sun is so bright.. I look so no0b.


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