Saturday, July 10, 2010

One day break

Today is free... woke up late..
Wash all my clothes and hang them..

So sien.. dunno what to do.
He got so many things to do..

Ate lunch in a Chinese restaurant.
I had never eaten so much rice in my life before.. And never eat so fast before.
Maybe I have not eaten chinese food for a long long time (1 week)..
I almost poured everything on the plate into my stomach.

Bought a loaf of Gardenier Butterscotch bread.. (Someone says it's delicious even without any jams or butter).
By now (12.13am), only 1/4 left.. =_=
Dunno why I get hungry easily here..

Took a nap.. I tot he is going for a movie in the afternoon so I called him to sms me after that.
Untill 7pm he sms-ed and say the movie start at that time.
Whole afternoon doing wat?
Movie ends at 9.20pm.. He says there're going to eat.

I am selfish. 
I dont like him to do things I cant do. But I dont want him to change for me.
I dont want him to sacrifice anything for me.
I missed him but I dont want to talk to him.
Always finding something to quarrel. 

12.08am.. "Nw going home"

Wow. What a nice day he had.


Something nice to share..

My faculty won the best cheer song team.. ANd the most creative presentation.
Presentation: It's a sketch.. Story of a boy coming to UMT to pursue his studies..
From the beginning (registration) till he start studying.
Super funny one!!

FST boleh!!! 


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