Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Went shopping

Erm.. this kind of shopping is different from those I used to do.. =_=
Normally when i say shopping.. It means buying clothes.. walking in mall...
The one i mentioned in the title is like those aunties.. walking supermarket..

Living alone outside without family is hard.. We need to count our spending..
Need to bargain and compare prices..
Lol.. I took out a calculator and calculate which one is cheaper.. Milo or Ovaltine..
Milo 30 sachets RM16.50.. Ovaltine 20 sachets RM11.90.. =-=

To cut down costs.. we bought many biscuits and instant noodles to eat as breakfast..
Or sometimes as our main meals..

 My noodles supply ^^

 Biscuits.. Milo.. etc..

Left : Zhi Ying  Right : Ling

Other than food.. we bought some pirated crocs..
Raining season is coming soon.. crocs will be super duper useful by that time cos it's easy to dry and wont slips.. 
My cute crocs just cost me RM25!

My crocs.. with cute buttons!

Both Ling and Zhi Ying bought the same one..

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