Thursday, July 29, 2010

I had a Bad Day

Had a good sleep last nite so I thought it will be a good day for me today.
Who knows.. it's the other way round.

First, I forgot to bring my umbrella and water to class.

Then.. took a van to class.. Pass by the scallop stall.. Bought a stick..
For your info, the scallop here is a piece of meat (looks like nugget) with cheese inside and taste great! RM1 per stick.. 2 pieces.
"Prop" my scallop lays flat on the ground. =_= got to but another one.

Engineering Maths class.. The lecturer says there's quiz today.

Okay... He gave us a looks simple but actually very complicated question and gave us 10mins time to finished it.
Times up. He said he would like to change some parts of the question. Duh.
 I'm super blurred and confused ady.
Re-do the question. 
Suddenly, he said, Pass UP Now!
Everyone keep scribbling and some rushed to pass up.
Then he shouted "Those who are late, minus 5 marks"
Pugenes pass up for me.. I dunno whether I'm late or not.

*Spoils my mood*

Class ends.. The Mr. Lecturer says again.. "Take back your paper, 2day's quiz cancelled. We'll have another quiz next week and the time will not be set. So, get ready."

*~Climaxs~*  Jeng jeng jeng...

Pass up or PTPTN loan forms.

Shocked news.

The University gave the wrong course name to the PTPTN and so, we chosed wrongly for the course name.
Thus, we all (En. Tech. course students) have to cancelled our application and wait till the system is ready, only then we can re-apply.

The error is 
The course stated in the PTPTN loan form is "Sarjana Muda Teknologi (Teknologi Alam Sekitar)" while the name in our University offer letter is "Sarjana Muda Teknologi (Alam Sekitar)".

First batch who apply for the loan gets RM28k.
Second batch is RM26k.
Now 3rd batch have passed so we all have to wait for the 4th batch.
How much money left for us to loan? OMG


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