Friday, July 9, 2010

The Orientation Week

Duh.. I hate Orientation.
During my Form6 Orientation week.. I rmb very well how they bring me run away from school.. Haha.. Nice memories..
I and Yang Jie is scared but we still follow them home..
Really cant tahan the stupid things we have to do during the week.

This time, no people bring me home..
Have to attend everything.

Everyday is seminar seminar and seminar..
Yules yules yules.. Loads of yules and slogans.

About 2k of people.. lining up daily.. walking from dorm to the hall..
And the worst part is lining up for food. Duh.. 饿死都还没到我!

Wearing the Batik provided by school..
Nub shirt.. the color will come off when we wash it.

On the last day.. they brought us to the beach.. 
Nice beach but super hot.
I dont like the shiny sun.

The beach... ^__^

A sand turtle.. dunno made by who...

A suprise given by the facilitators.. ^0^


Okay... Orientation week ends.. and today we clean our room.. 
Wipe the table.. arrange our things properly.

Glad that i'm in the same room with Zhi Ying because she did most of the dusting.. XP
Thanks to her!! ^_^

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