Sunday, August 1, 2010

Environmental Technology's Course Orientation

I know most people doesnt know what is this course about..

En Tech.. (Sounds smart right?) YES.

Yesterday, I went to the course orientation.
At first I thought it will be boring but in the end.. I gain a lot of things.
I understand what am I studying and what am I going to be in the future.

From the very beginning, my silly ambition is about saving the world. And I think by studying this course, I can achieve my goal.

En. Tech. is a mixture of Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering.
Those En. Tech graduates can be qualified as engineers too because the syllabus we studied is mostly about engineering.

During this orientation, 2 fresh graduate seniors are invited to give some advice and short talk.
They told us that we can surely get a good job after studies.
So glad to hear this. 

It's a four year course. But I wont give up.
After STPM.. when I thought of giving up Sciences.. I put all language courses as my 1st, 2nd, 4th choice.. (3rd I chooses Environmental Science in UKM cos I wanna study with Wai Kei)

But, God gave a chance to continue pursuing my ambition. 
Thanks for this arrangement and I really appreciate it very much.

I will work hard for my goal.

Okays... back to the Orientation...

There are all kinds of activities...

The most unforgettable one is : they gave us a long long pole and some ropes..
Task: Tie ropes on the pole and pull it to make it stand straight.
It's 12pm... Sun is shining brightly above our head.

=_= the pole is 6m long.. made of PVC (pipes). It's so hard to make sgtand properly..
Pull and tie and bla bla bla... 
At last..we make it straight.

Then.. It's the first time in my life playing a real Tug-of-War.
Used all my strength ^_^ And we won.

It's a tired day but I gain a lot.

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