Thursday, April 3, 2008

*My Fei is BACK!!!*

Very touching cos he came to my house as soon as he reach Kampar... still wearing his National Service uniform =)
He is slimmer... he face is no more chubby... so dark... his leg is tinted... no more tummy.

He told me and my mum bout his experiences... (If I were him, I probably died in camp)
1) Nid to wake up at 5am every morning!!! (Kill me better)
2) Eating chickens organs, Malay food... and got many houseflies flying about the Mak Cik's head when she is serving food... (OMG!!!)
3) Previously, got ppl died in his dorm... so his dorm is haunted!!! Many ppl saw the Mr. Ghost before... he saw him too...
4) Nid to march... =_="
5) Nid to attend seminars all day long... which is damn boring and Fei said he learn nothing from it.

A case that happened in his camp...
A gal will braces... fall down... and broke all her teeth!!! My mum laugh so loud when Fei told her this.
Mama said to me : See... still wanna wear braces or not? You so clumsy, sure break all your teeth de.

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