Friday, April 18, 2008


Ditulis oleh Editor HEP
Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Rayuan kemasukan ke Program Matrikulasi
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia Sesi 2008 / 2009 adalah seperti berikut:
a) Tempoh Rayuan: 16 APRIL 2008 hingga 30 APRIL 2008
b) Kaedah Rayuan:
i) Rayuan secara datang sendiri
Tarikh: 16 APRIL 2008 hingga 30 APRIL 2008
Masa: Hari Isnin – Khamis
8.30 pagi – 1.00 petang
2.00 petang – 4.30 petang

I need to go to Putrajaya to appeal on Monday... as soon as possible... I cant wait le... I must get into matrik!
Hui Xin say maybe she got go there to ask whether she can change campus or not cos Johor campus is VERY far away from Kampar. If she is going, then I'll follow her car, if she don't, I'll nid to go there myself... My dad drop me at my aunt's house and I'll find someone to send me there.
At first I tot Jie Jie can go wit me, but he says his dad can settle for him.
Haiz... HOU FAN AR!!!

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