Friday, April 25, 2008

For You... Cos i miss ya so much!!

Wai Kei...
I heard a song tonite, and it makes me think of you. I met her in Form1, and we are classmates till Form 5, never separated... we sat together every year.
You miss out a lot of things with us... In 2007, you just focused on your studies and never join us... Now, when school ended, you went to work!!! Seems like we never went for a trip together... so sad...
You are too stressed with your life la... never have the chance to enjoy...
We went to Ipoh to watch movies... loiter... you never join...

We went to Cameron Highland and Pangkor Island, you're not here...
You're not with us when we joke, you're not with us when we are enjoying...
You're not there when we're having fun.

You missed out so many memorable moments with us.
Its a big regret you know?
You won't have these chances to enjoy in the future...
Now its the time when we need not to worry about rubbish like "I cant catch up my studies" and "I nid to work to get money"...
Its the time when we can enjoy without worries.
Have you ever play online games? Nope you never.

I like the feeling of sitting in Chun's car with all of them together. Chat and talk and teased the noob driver. Eating together in McDonald...? Sing karaoke with the monsters?
You say you want me to go with you when you're back from S'pore... but by that time, you'll need to prepare for the school admission and busy bout this and that.

Imagine that I'll die tomorrow... I'll be full of regrets cos I got so many things haven done with you la. =_="
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