Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Help= Get a me a place to study please...

I cant enter matriculation... now appealing...
I put all my hope on this...
Hui Xin, Wai Kei and Yi Tong..three of them get into the same campus!!! So lucky la!!! I'm left behind alone... My result really that bad meh? Why cant give me a chance leh?
I'm like a lost child now, dunno what to do and where to go...
I need to make further planning now...
Where shud I study?
Study A lvl or foundation in Science in colleges?... No... its too expensive... cant afford it.
Actually I still dunno what I wanna study... what I wanna be...
I wanna be a cardiologist... but I super duper scared of blood and organs... =_=" so I planned to borrow Hui Xin's horror movies... watch till I dun scared... but... I really scared la.
So..I am goin for chemical engineering now... "Turning micro chips to potato chips"...

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