Wednesday, April 23, 2008

*HAve you ever... *

Saying something and wishing you hadn't?, or
nothing and wishing you had...
Which one will make you feel regret?

Human have too many things to worry about...

Sometimes, you have to prefer not to confess you love just because you're afraid that you'll lose the things you already have with that person. I have many friends like that...

Love is love... many of you denied it when you fell in love. You cant lie to your own heart because they works automatically. You'll miss the one you loved without reminding you to do so.
You deny because you afraid the one you loved dont love you... but you never ask him/her, how can you just make judgement yourself?

Have you ever wanted to love someone with all your might, but that person was too afraid to let you?
I have.
The feeling is tiring, disappointed and you'll just end up being a fool. He'll never be there whenever I wanted him to be.
Nevermind. I wont look back anymore. Its not worth waiting for a person that is not willing to wait for you.
Learn to be smarter.

You have made a difference in my life.

I would never let the same things happen again.

On a "NO LOVE" mode now.

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