Thursday, November 15, 2007

=Nearer and Nearer=

Today I went back to my primary school to wait for my bro's UPSR result...(bad)...Less than expected...
I recalled many memories...
The class I used to study in... the place I sat for my UPSR... the place where I practiced choir...
Time passes by so fast... I saw my first teacher in M'sia, Mr Jaafar... and my favorite Maths teacher, Pn Aini...

Hope that I can return to the past, and enjoy my primary school...
11 days more my exam will end... And I'll put a *fullstop* for my secondary school life.
Hope that I can have more time to study with them at school... and play childish games with them...
Before this year, I and my frens always have misunderstandings, always quarrel, and never appreciate the time given to us to stay with each other...

+Jie Jie-Wai Kei-Yi Tong-Me(Siyuen)-Fei-Hui Xin+
Now, we just realize that how lucky we are to have each other...
~>No one in this world can understand me more than Wai Kei...
~>No one can do things like Yi Tong... frank but crazy...I think only us can stand her weird attitude...
~>No one can replace F
ei's position... the kind man... that never say *No* to my request...
~>No one can do like Jie Jie, always following our orders... and always stand by me when I need a listener...
~>No one can be like Hui Xin... just like a walking dictionary to me... The violent gal... we always say I Love You to each other.. Hehe...
We have spend 5 years time to get used to each other...


Anonymous said...

fong, i scare i will cry ten years later if i read ur blog... ^^


Sherry said...

nvm... ur love n support will always stay in my heart...
Fong.. to my beloved Hui Xin...