Wednesday, November 14, 2007

*3rd Day of exam*

Subject: Maths 1 & 2
Stupid FONG SI YUEN!!!!! Done 3 careless mistakes in paper 1 and paper 2 is worse. Something block my eyes I think...Tis is the only reason I can think of. Qns Number 4... I cant see this qns at all. So,I didnt this qns.
The minute before the examiner collect my paper, Jun Kit said to me, "Remember qns 4's answer. Tell me later, I wanna check."
Then, I re-checked my paper. Just then, I noticed the presence of qns No. 4...Its too late le...
Examiner is standing beside me...Waiting to collect my paper....
Suan ba... 3 marks only... Give him la...

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