Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I am doing Maths revision with Fei till midnight last night. Then, we have the opportunity to meet Miss Lipas for 2 times.
First time: I am doing matrics questions... Suddenly, I saw Miss Lipas flying towards me. I shout immediately then followed by Fei's loud scream. We failed to kill him because both of us is scared of it.... Zzzz..... =.=
Second time: I am doing probability questions. Miss Lipas miss Fei so much I think and come to meet him again and land on his pencil. I screamed like mad, so as Fei. Fei threw his pencil against the wall... Stabilo exam grade... The pencil is still fine after knocking against the wall. Quality proved!
Fei: Fast get me the King Kong Spray! Let me kill it!
Me: Ok!!!!!!!! * Hand him the spray*
Fei: OMG! CAnt spray lah! Nevermind, I use the rotan to pak bin hui (smack it)!
Me: Can meh?
*Pang Pang Pang*
Fei: Haiya... It flew away already la. Let it go la. The probability of its return is very very low now. Continue our work la.
Me: Huh?

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