Saturday, October 27, 2012

When I Lost The Center of My World

Ever since I know how to read, think and make decisions, he is the one that affects all my resolution. I put all his expectations as my guidelines and all his orders are my goals. Showing him my best is my responsibility. And I'd never want to disappoint him.

I forgot since when, I've rooted this kind of thoughts.
When I work, I want to work somewhere that I can stay with him.
When I have holiday, I want to work for him, keeping him in company.
When I need to apply for internship, I'll find somewhere near him so that I can accompany him.

This is the problem. Now, when he is not around anymore, I lost my direction.
When I encounter problems in my studies, and I need guidance, I really hoped that he was still here.

I've started to looking for companies for my internship. So stressed and confused.
I dont know where to choose, what to choose and how to choose.

I wanna find some place with accommodation but there were few in Ipoh or K.L.. 
If he was here, everything will be much simpler. I can continue putting my scope around him. Or even work for him. 

Missed you so much. Once again, I'm really willing to exchange anything to have you back in my life. I bet he would do anything to have you back in his life too.

Sorry, cried again when I think of you.
I will fulfill my promise. I'll take care of him and I'll make you proud. 
Love you always, Uncle.

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