Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Semester 5

FYI, I studied Environmental Technology in University Malaysia Terengganu. 
It's located in a very rural state. Imagine no cinemas in their capital town. =_= Duh.
And the supermarkets here DO NOT sell pork or bacon. TT^TT *I wan bacon omelette* 
Okay. Still. I survived the past 4 semester safe and sound.

I thought that my previous semester (Sem 4) is the toughest because I'd Hydrology, which need us to do water samplings. 
Go to different stations, take samples every 4 hours, for a few days continuously. There are many ordeals in the process of taking samples. Snakes. Big huge large ants that bites. Super heavy rain, where you have to protect your equipments. Or stay beside the equipment for 6 hours continuously inside a small bus-stop (it have a roof but when it rains, water can enter from every direction except from the top). 

Who knows, this semester is almost the same. Or maybe worse.
till have to do sampling. But this time for air quality monitoring. And it's almost monsoon season now so it rains almost every evening. The sampling will go on for 3 days continuously and as you know, air quality monitoring means cannot do when it rains so now very headache.
 Dont know what to do. *cham* 

Another one. Waste water treatment thing. I seriously HATE that lecturer. 
He call us to find an industry with their own w.w. treatment plant. Go interview and understand what technology was used and why, how and etc. 

The problem is, there are 15 groups of us. We need to find 15 different factory. And he dont want small factories. Fk. 
We proposed a few to him, but he rejected most of it. This dont want that dont want. He thought my father is Minister or wat, I control one ar? Fk. 
Okay. me and my group mates go find industry nearby (we live near a industrial site near KT). And then, I found out the most ridiculous thing. 
We went to about 10 factories. All of them DO NOT have a w.w.t. system and you know how they manage their waste? The girl tat work in a pet food factory told me that they just discharge their waste into the drain outside of their factory. WTF?! 
Okay. My Malay friend, Fatihah brought me good news. She said she found one poultry factory. We proposed to the lecturer, he said the factory must process at least 500 chickens daily. Luckily that factory met his requirements. But, during the visit, only then we found our that the w.w.t.system is down and the factory discharge their waste into the nearby river. OMG. What kind of world is this?! 
In the end of the day, my group still cannot find a proper industry for the assignment while some other groups ady presented in class. FML. 

 I take one elective course this semester and it's the first time I had a 21 credit hour semester. 

And one more thing. My wonderful timetable. 
I study 4 days a week. 
On my Wednesday: 8-9, 10-12, 12-2, 3-5, 6-7 = altogether 8 hours on a single day. Nice. 

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