Friday, October 12, 2012

Some people

We met people from all walks of life and each of them have different characteristics.
Different opinion about life. Different lifestyles. Different sense of fashion. Different food interest. 
When we meet people with similar interest with us, we may get along well. But people like this are rare.
Most of the time, we met acquaintances which we just exchange shallow talks and few understandings.
Some people can get along well in just short period of time.
Some likes to be alone. 
And some just not meant to be together, as friends or as lovers.

There are some friends of mine.
We used to be very close friend but because we are forced to separate, our relationship becomes distant. And till one point, we never even talk to each other once a year. It's very pity.

There are also situation like this.
In the beginning, we are fine. And we thought that it can last forever. But the more we understand each other, the more we realised that we're not on the same channel. Or maybe we cannot compromise anymore. 

There is a friend of mine.
We have lots of chances of meeting. But no matter how hard we tried, we will never proceed to another level. Maybe because we never open our heart to each other. Or maybe we when we tried to open, we're hurt by misunderstandings and then, we decided to close it forever. I only hope that our friendship doesnt turn worse. Just stay as it is now.
Sometimes, we know the relationship had reach a turning point and it's hard to accept. But when we reach the point where both of us cannot continue, when both of us wont give in, we have to face the reality. 

It's realy hard to meet people that can exchange our heart with. Friends or lover. 
So, I treasure mine vey much. 

I'm a very mean person as I'll just treat people in my favour well. 
Some people can thow tantrums at me, shout at me and I'll just laugh and take it easy. 
But to some, I'll be too possessive and protective, where I wont let them do things opposing my will.
Some worse, I dont even give a damn. The most I can do is giving you sarcastic compliments. 

1 comment:

Medway Safety said...

Interesting post and blog! I love all your pictures. Happy to see that people are much conscious for health and safety in their daily life.