Saturday, October 6, 2012

Way Behind the Others

In the previous post I mentioned about visiting a wastewater treatment plant thing and a air quality monitoring project. 

As I've said before, I still haven get a proper factory that met the assignment requirements and thus, I cannot proceed. 
And as for the air sampling one, me and my group members worried about this and that.. scared that it might rain. And so, the sampling still cannot start. We planned to do it next weekend. Hope that no one borrowed the equipment before us.

My coursemate (I name her Sweetie) which is also my housemate and groupmate just inform me that some groups have already started their sampling sessions and done their w.w.t. plant visit. 
Why they so fast one?!

Sigh. My group's progress rate is still a constant. 
Sweetie started to stressed up and worried. I'm worried too but I can do nothing. Just act cool and stay calm so that we dont lost our direction.

Okays. Now need to prepare for the upcoming test and quizzes. 

Pray or the best.

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