Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mid Autumn Festival

When I was a kid, I like Mid Autumn Festivals. Because, there will be celebration, playing candles and lanterns and lots of friends and relatives will come and its a lot of fun. 

But since that year, Mid Autumn wasnt fun anymore. It's very painful to think back what happened.
Scientist says we tend to alter our memories everytime we recall it. Means the more we think of it, the more we will tend to forget. I dont think it's true because that scene couldnt be deleted no matter how hard I tried.
I still dream about him once in a while. It's almost the same thing.. he is either laughing or eating. Sometimes singing. And that moment was so precious and warming that I'd trade anything to make it come true. *wipe tears* >.<

So, since then, I just celebrate Mid Autumn with a simple dinner.. This year, I went home for dinner. To meet my loved ones. To meet grandma and also to meet the apple of my eyes.. Not Stickkie this time. He is the cute little boy that never fails to cheer me up.

The boy is going back to Singapore. *heartbroken* 
No more HinHin at home now. 

Went home 4 days 3 nights. >.< Skipped one day class.. 
Filled my 4 days 3 nights with friends and families. Not a single second wasted. 

Homesick already. TT^TT 
Any medicine can cure homesick? Because this disease is becoming more and more serious. 
I miss everything in Kampar. I missed Stickkie. I missed my mum. I missed my brothers. 


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