Saturday, November 3, 2012

Birthday Wish from my best friend.

Just now Yi Tong called. 
First, she greeted "Hello~~~" with her bitchy bitchy styled voice.. 

Then she wished me Happy Birthday and blurt out a shit load of crap.
She said I decided to celebrate my birthday late, so she wished me happy birthday a day late. I was like HUH?? What the hell is she talking about and asked her what is the date today.(I thought she mistaken the date). And I told her today is 3rd of November.
 And she say "Ya lo, 3rd ma, I purposely wished you a day later one!".

Heartbroken. TT^TT

She thought she missed the right day so she came up with the *wish me a day later*lame excuse.

Then I told her, my birthday is on 4th November. 4TH NOVEMBER, MISS LEE YI TONG, AND ALSO MR EDDIE CHANG!!

Then Yi Tong explained, she scared that she forgot, so she made a mental note to start wishing me two days earlier and then, her mental notes overpowers her conscious mind and makes her think that my birthday is on 2nd instead of 4th.

 When I shouted at her that I'm really disappointed, she passed to her boyfriend, Eddie. 
And he is covering up for her. He said that she thought she missed it and she abandoned her dinner and called me immediately. And he said that they've preparedmy present. *He used this point to distract me!*

When I endded the call, I laughed at how muddled she can be. 
But still, she is still very dear to me.

Anyways, it's just a very mindless mistake. And this is what she usually will do. 

And this is the story of the mistaken birthday wish from my best friend this year..

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