Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lonely Me

Living without frens make me understood the word Lonely...
Especially when I have no phone and computer...
I wished and wished tat I can receive some greetings... and get disappointed everytime...
I re-read my msges in my inbox until I can memorise all of them...
And luckily I brought my pen drive...
Inside got a lot of video clips and photos...
Everytime I think about the funny stuffs we had done, I'll laugh stupidly...
Thinking about the schooldays... how we bullied Mr Ho, how we played in the class... how we celebrate our bdays... how we teased each other...
So sweet and happy... this r my cherised memories...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don be so disappointed la... at least i will greet you-"merry X'mas!!!" in behalf of all our monkey will not feel alone coz....i am also alone just like you...sob...just imagine if all of us is still form 5, we will surely went to yum cha now... and probably visiting the cyber cafe now!!!! and then your mum will give you a deadly call...then i will be sending you home....nvm...just imagine, coz you will feel better..maybe..