Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Ai Mei" A type of RelationshiP

A relationship between love and friendship...
Many ppl are staying in this stage... not brave enough to go anymore further... but too selfish to stop everything... scared to be hurt.. or hurt the others...
Someone enjoy this kind of relationship... no commitment... no need to care about each other so much... just keeping a distance btw each other... wont be afraid that the other one will get angry...
Can just push everything that goes wrong to a word "You're not my GF/BF"... why do you intercept me?
But if someone is in this relationship, what will he/she do if some other gals/guys fell in love with him/her? He/she is single... but not available?
If he/she accepts a new partner, is it wrong? If the guy is hanging out other gals... or opposite, the gal is hanging out with other guys... Is it wrong? Or it doesn't matter?
To me, I'm not used to this kind of relationship.. I think I'll suffer... because I'm too possesive. I DONT like to share. I wont let the guy goin out with other gals alone. But of course, I cant control it.
I cant step forward... nor move backwards... Greedy... Wont let go...
One day he'll go away... and I know...
Guys love freedom... Thats why you go away I know... MLTR again... Haha...

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