Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Can I Hit You?

Will boys let their gf to hit them?
In Korean dramas, boys are always prepared to get a knocked from their gf when they did something wrong... will this happen in reality?
Bet No... Sentosa's 5Sn1's boys proved that... Except Fei... Haha...
He is alway the victim...
Hui Xin hit him when he says something about a doctor...
Yi Tong hit him when he dun help her to burn animations...
Wai Kei hit him when he keep saying bout Kei's "fren"...
I hit him when he says 'NO' to me... (very horrible rite)...
This is much horrid, Yang Jie hit him all the time! Haha...
I'll hit ppl when I'm angry. Then only way for me to express my anger... So I am worse than a tigress...
Got one sunny day... dunno wat strike Fei and made him wanna speak Hokkien. He cant speak properly but he keep talking in broken Hokkien. "Hen Nan ting"... He keep talking tat stupid language and make my ears get irritated... Then I got angry...
I told him
"You must speak Hokkien today, dun let me hear you speaking Cantonese, or else, I'll slap you!"
He answered "oh..."
Then the whole day he speak tat funny broken Hokkien... whenever he say a word in Cantonese, Yi Tong, Hui Xin or Wai Kei will call me slap him. Its so funny you know...
At last, he cant stand it anymore... He gave up... and promised tat he wont speak broken okkien in front of me anymore...
Now, whenever he speaks Hokkien, Wai Kei will say
"Speak again la, later Fong wan you to speak for the whole day again"

# I cant stop laughing while writing this post... keep recalling tat day#


Anonymous said...

i think you really slap him tat day, rite?!

Sherry said...

yeah.. i did... slapped many times..