Thursday, December 13, 2007

I WorK!

I work in a sweet shop 4 3 days...
Its a bit tired... work from 1pm till 10pm...
Quite boring when there are no customers...
I memorise the price for all the sweets at the first day!... aren't I clever?
There many kinds of sweets caramel pop, strawberry pop.... fruit pops.... need to wrap them every morning...
There is a fist size jawbreaker... very expensive and a giant chupa chups, as big as two fists!!!
There are many bubble gums... candy canes... lollipops... and many more...
I remembered tat someone told me he is going to open a sweet shop with his best fren (a gal)...
sweet rite... a boy setting up a sweet shop with a gal... I'm quite experienced now... will he take me as part-time worker? HAha... maybe no.... I'll ate all the candies... and became a light bulb...

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