Sunday, December 6, 2009

♥ Trip with my Darlings ♥

12 Dec (Saturday) to 13 Dec (Sunday)

12 Dec:
We'll take the earliest train to KL.
Find our way to Sunway.
Spend our day there.
Then, go to the hotel (near Bukit Bintang)

Shop till we drop...
Then, find a train or bus back Kampar.

Trip ends...

Jun Kit is arranging the hotel things.

I'm the Secretary, in charge of the members of the trip.
So, those who are interested, please give me ur name.

Registration closing date:  8Dec2009 (Tuesday)
We need to book the hotel room and buy train tickets. Thus, please inform me earlier.

If you‘re not planning to spend much on the 2nd day, bring around RM150 will be enough for u to eat and sleep.

*Alternate ways*
If you only want to go to Sunway buy not Shopping Day, you can also return to Kampar first on 12Dec nite.
Miss Lee Yi Tong will be ur tour guide and bring u home safely. o(≧v≦)o~~

Nearly forget to tell you all.
The 团长 of the trip is Mr. Cheah Yi Chun. \(^o^)/

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