Friday, December 25, 2009

My Christmas 2009

A Christmas without my dearly friends...

Had dinner with erm... I dunno how to introduce him...
A brother? Hahax...
Yvonne, me, Hock Leong and Ken.
4 person... ate Japanese food.. salmon tataki~

After that, we had a drink at Taurean Cafe.
Then a movie (midnite show)
It's the lousiest movie I had ever watched.

Treasure Hunter by Jay Chou.
No point. Bad storyline.
No suspense. No climax. No meaning at all.
All I get is loads of question marks asking why.

My mum phoned me and told me tat all my darlings are at Wai Kei's house.
I wish I could join.
I missed them.

Last year.. I had a embarrass experience.
He bought something and I thought it was for me.
And of course it wasnt.
So bad.

Today.. watch movie again.
Today with erm.. Uncle Lewis? Hahax..
Sherlock Holmes. Cast by Robert Downey Jr.
Fantastic. I like him so much!

I missed Malaysia.

I missed my bed.

I missed my friends.

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