Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ridiculous Day? Or Night?

I thought that today will be a good day.. 
Because, we planned to go out for lunch and visit a house that we may rent next year.

Lunch= KFC again.
We like KT's KFC.
After lunch.. Mydin 
No other places..

Thought of making the last steamboat dinner for this semester.. so.. we bought a piece of boneless chicken *for the soup*..
And pick some fried meat balls.. Crab meat.. seafood tofu.. fishcakes..
Sadly.. no beefballs.. and no taufu pok. These two is my favourites!!! T.T

Visit the house. Erm.. 
The house is big.. We still dont have enough housemates.. 
So.. maybe we'll look for another smaller one.. 

Back dorm.. Pass by the toilet before reaching our room.. 
Why is the floor so dry?
*Open taps and see*

4.30pm. Hungry.
Have to start prepare our dinner...
Sneak into the seniors block.. XP 
*Usually their block still have water supply even when ours ran out, cos their block have a huge tanki and less residents*.

Reach the senior block..
I was holding a rice cooker at that moment.. Ling and Ying, both holding plastic bags full of veges and meatballs.
I look retarded. People around us all were busy looking for water to bath.. but us? =_=
Still want to cook?

Continue with sneaking into the block part..
I found an empty unit, with the back door left opened.. I climbed over and entered the house..
It's nice inside!
Fully furnished. Nice rooms..
We washed our bla bla bla there...

Back room.. prepare dinner... eat.. XP

Best part starts.

Where to find water for bath?
So, we quickly packed our things and drove to the library.
Enter.. Sobs.. No more left..

Rushed to FST.
Ling said she know where got nice toilets.

Jeng Jeng jeng~~~

Ling pushed the toilet door slightly.. It's dark inside..
Got a female voice *Ehh!!* and slammed back the door.
I and Ling stopped.. Stunned... 
What was that? What could it be?
First thought = that kind of thing?
Think again.. tat kind of thing wont slammed back the door right?
Nothing we can do.. so we walked away..

Then, we found a tap outside the toilet... 
We took out of plastic bottle and fill them up..
Use those water for washing our face or cook mee..

Then.. we heard a man's voice inside.. and soft woman voice.
It's dark inside. Got girl got boy.
Do what?
Think logically. 
They wont be fixing the toilet lights right?

Ok.. Fine.. We went to another faculty to look for toilets.
We found nice and big toilets.

It started to rain cats and dogs when we finished.. Duh..

Seniors said.. it's always like this. NO WATER SUPPLY.
And this time, it will last for 3 days.

What a day we had.



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