Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Everyday is A Special Day

Some people likes to celebrate a particular date.. such as 20th October of year 2010.

Like my cousin said,

"days are only special if u made it special... What's the fuss about 10/10/10? Its just a date with a nice number thats all..If u say it only happens once, so does everyday.."


Everyday just happen once, so I never let sad things mess up my day for a long.

It's a waste of time locking yourself in a blind corner, feeling sad, depressed or like the world is ending later. 

If the world is going to end soon, you'll be regret for spending your last few minutes feeling sad or worried.

I know sometimes it hard to stop being sad, I feel sad all the time, but I try all my best to figured it out at once and settle the problem. 

Sadness and problems is like a cancer cell. You must removed them as soon as possible, otherwise, the cancer cells will spread and finally.. leads to fatality.

If you have questions, just ask. Got doubt? Speak it out. Something unhappy, share it with your friends and let them cheer you up. Very happy, spread the happiness!

And never feel sad for people who never feel so for you, waste your emotions only. They'll just treat you as noobs. They dont care? So what? Fine!


Everyday is a special day cos it only happen once in your life.

So, try to live your day to the fullest.

Live your life with minimum regrets..

*something wrong with this post cos whenever I press enter it shows single spacing, and i dunno how to change it*


I have make a lot of mistakes in my previous 20 years life and some of them are facts. Facts that cant be change, facts that nothing can be done anymore.

I missed a lot of precious things with my loved ones.

I made a lot of mistakes and some of them make me lost some precious things.. 



I knew that I was wrong and I hope that you all can give me a chance to change and be better.

I want to live my life to the fullest.

I wan to be happy everyday.

I want people around me to be happy everyday.




*How to be happy?*



Eat when you're hungry, dont torture your stomach. *This is the utmost important*

Smile when you're happy. Dont hide your smile.

Laugh out loud whenever you have the chance. Dont try to stop your laughters. It's burst out.

Do things you want (rasionally).. dont do silly things.

Ask all your unsure questions. Although sometimes the answers turns out to be what we least expected, at least you know the answer.

And, lastly, expressed what you feel truthfully. Like it, just say it. Dont like, just reject it. Dont force yourself to like something you dont or dislike something you love.

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