Thursday, November 11, 2010

Open the door and let happiness enters ^^

Sometimes when things go wrong, and we cant control it, we cant put down, it makes us stucked.
Keep thinking how come?
What to do now?
How to stop this?
Why is this happening?

It bothers a lot. 

To somebody, they may be only one true friend that can share everything.
This is not because that they dont have friends.
It's because, they never opens up their heart to accept the others.

When I was in Form6, I used to think tat no one can be my best friends except my secondary school friends.
Jie Jie said no. We'll be desperate for friends and companion for friends when we're alone outside.
At that time, we'll make friends.

There's no such thing as alone and alone can be okay.

Maybe you prefer silence rather than laughters.
But sharing happiness is definitely better than having it alone.
Share with more people, you'll gain more happiness.

To me, I like sharing. Almost everything. 
I can repeat and repeat the same story to many people.
Yes. It's annoying somethings.
Talking about the same thing whole day.
But it's happy.

Dont locked yourself in a small room. 
Open the door and let people get in.
Let them brightens your life. 
They wont rob you.

And 好人不止一个! ^^

Smile and enjoy life!



Brag about this after watching a movie.. XP

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