Monday, November 22, 2010

My First Final here.. In UMT

I got 6 subjects...

Still got two papers left...
Both needs calculation.. *Maths and statics*

How was the previous papers?
Duh. XP

First paper is Material Eng.
Not bad. Not good either.. Most of the questions appeared in the past year papers before..
I got no answers for the past year.. means.. no answer for the final also. XP

Second paper is TITAS.
LOL. Not very good. I think I can manage to get a B.

Third.. Etnik,.
LMAO. Tough. Cos.. the lecturer called us to read a book.
Questions were things taken from that book.
What book is tat?
Some thing like novel, but not that thick.
Similarities= things are written in paragraph form. Everything in one big passage.
Just read. =_= and memorize!

Fourth.. the killer paper. Basic Organic Chemistry.
Luckily I need not to take the advanced paper.
This paper really can kill.
I didn do well in the mid sem test..
And this paper is far far far tougher than the mid sem test..
Means.. no hope for A.. nor B.
God bless me..

Why every paper seems hard to me?
Is that I didn work hard enough?

Yup.. maybe.

I admit that I'm not the type of people that will work 200% even when 100% is enough.
I am the 70% type.
So, means I am fated to be the B class people. Nothing higher.

I admire those hard working people very much.
How can they maintain their determination?
Doesnt their bed seduced them?
How bout dramas? Food? Games?
I cant stop myself from touching these things.

Some people can stay up late at night *around 3am*.. some people can wake early in the morning *around 4am*.. 
These are the sacrifices they made to exchange good results.
我办不到。。I cant make it.

Only hard working can bring us 100%.

Jia you jia you everyone!

Study with smiles.. 

It's vital for us to secrete the happy hormones to make ourselves less unhappy.
When we're in a good mood, we'll absorb thing faster.

Do not stress up yourself.. stress will just make your brain stuck.

And lastly, study is important, so as your health.. dont regret when it's too late..


That day (last week) I went to the University's clinic, back pain, cant bend down my body.. =_= dunno why..
Doctor said, there's two possibilities.. 

One. Something wrong with your kidneys. WTFWTFWTF. *nearly fainted* T.T I knew the consequences of kidney failures. 
Sobs.. thousands of regrets why didn I listen to my mum.. why didn I listen to Ling Ling and Zhi Ying.. Why didn I drink more water?
Kidney problems mean I must eat healthy and tasteless foods. 
These are what i thought of at the first moment.

Second. Nerves problem.. Maybe my sleeping or sitting posture is inappropriate. 
Phew.. This is better.

I must drink more water from now on. I must stay healthy.
You all too!



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