Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Finals Starts

~Finals Starts~

Prepared for two weeks and finally, the day came. 

 My study planner ^^

Yup. I planned in advance what to study and follow the schedule.
First thing first.
One by one.
No mixed up.

Tomorrow. First paper. 

Material Engineering.
Preparation: 80%
Confidence: 55%

T.T very nervous now. 
Dare not to aim high. Dare not to put high hopes.
Because I knew the feeling of disappointment.

The past two weeks.. all I did is eat and sleep and study and facebook. 
And a movie to entertain myself during dinner.
And games. Farm Frenzy. =_=

Study study and study. 
Stay in the room whole day.

Oh ya.. other than that, I went to the beach. 
It's so near and I started to like it...  *only when it's windy and no sun*.

It's not bad here in Terengganu. 

Hope that everyone can perform well in their exam.
Especially those who work hard.

Because I believe that if we work hard, we'll get the reward.


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