Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Being Nice?

I always remember what once my friend told me, we cannot make everyone around us like us, no matter how well you did or how kind are you, there'll always be someone to criticize you.
I agree with this statement.

I'm not God so I need not to share all my love equally with everyone.

So, to me, I will only care bout those I loved or cared.

I can be friendly but also annoying.

To those I dislike, I wont pretend that I like you or it's nice to be with you.
To those I cared, I will do anything to ensure that you're in a good condition. At least when you're with me, you're happy.

I apologise to those I offended.

And "I love you" to my beloved ones!

O(∩_∩)O~ Stickkie Tong Tong   <<< miss them so much!!


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