Sunday, August 8, 2010

1 M'sia 1 Day Out

O(∩_∩)O~ 6 August 2010 *Friday*

Late posting because mood not good these few days XP But it's ok now.

Planned a week ago to go out together...

We rent a car and I and Ling take turns to drive! ^_^

The car we rent..

Fatihah describe the car as "pernah accident" cos there's some problem with the clutch and brake.

Fatihah & Zhi Ying

First, we went to the Petrol Station to refill the fuel. 
I parked at the wrong side of the pump so it's hard Pugenes to pump. The nozzle cant reach the car.
Puge: Oii! Tak sampai la. Pergi depan sikit.
Me: Okies.
Puge try pumping again.
It's so funny... everyone is looking at us... 

Them, we dropped Fatihah at Pasar Payang.. Cos me, Ling, Ying and Pugenes wan to eat breakfast at some chinese stalls.

After eating, we went back to Pasar Payang to buy some local fish crackers and fruits..

Nex stop is Mydin... sapu stocks again.. XP

We had our lunch at McD.. 

Zhi Ying & Pugenes ^_^


Double Cheeseburger!

My hand looks like Bugs Bunny ^^

Playing with Zhi Ying's vegetables..

After eating, we went to the airport.. Fatihah wants to see how it looks like..

    On the way back to UMT.. we sang those patriotic songs... Sounds like we're making advertisement for 1 Malaysia.

HAd a wonderful day with them.

It's my first time going out with a Malay and Indian. ^^

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