Friday, August 13, 2010

Mydin Again

Yesterday (12Aug2010)'s afternoon, me and Ling rented a car cos we wanna buy a table at Mydin. 

We rented a Kancil, RM5 per hour...
The car is so scary and it looks like it's going to split at any second..
When Ling is driving on a straight road.. the sterling trembles as though as Ling got Parkinson's disease.. Haha..
When we drive pass the yellow lines.. the whole dashboard shakes like it's going to pop out..

Reason of buying the table :

1) can use it as dinner table ^^ 
It's warm to eat together.. feels like eating at home. Especially when I played some drama with my lappie.. It's like having dinner at home, listening to the television's sound.. ^^

 We used to eat dinner like this XP

2) Study table..
Our desk is too dark cos our bed blocked the light..

3) Cooking table..
Usually, Zhi Ying cookes like this..
limited space...

back to the topic..

We are lost while finding our way to Mydin and while we are finding the way out, we walk past 2 nite markets!!!
Wow. ^^

So, after buying out things in Mydin.. we went to the night market to buy our dinner! ^^

After buying, we put it on the compartment near the speaker..

We continue driving..

Turn a corner.. XP 


Ling : OOi.. wat have fallen down?
Me : *Turn back and see* Nothing la... maybe is the table..

~Continue driving~

Turn another corner.. 


Ling : You better go and see what happenned.
Me : *Shocked* *Laugh till I cant stand up.
Ling : OOi!! Faster get back into the car. Everyone is watching!
Me : Slammed the door and continue laughing.
Ling : *Stopped the car and see what happened* OMG.

The whole thing fall out and all our food fall into the booth..
We two cant stop laughing..

We got surprises for each other everyday..

 Our dinner for the nite..

Laksa.. Tomyam.. Grilled chicken.. Kuih.. ^^

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