Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Wide Range of Interest

I am practically interested in everything except doing vigorous activities such as sports and excercise.
So as outdoor activities like hiking, camping, or even under the sun.

Other than that, anything, simply everything can catch my interest.

I can read and read and forget my meals.
And imagine I reach the level that my mum commented "READING AGAIN? CAN YOU PUT DOWN THAT BOOK?"
Haha.. usually parents will be very happy to see their children reading.. dunno why she like tat one. Ish.

I layan everything. Means I watch everything. 
Korean. Hong Kong. Taiwan. China. English. Never started tamil yet. >.<

OMG. Super addicted and I can watch and re-watch them and still can laugh one.
Recommendations: ONE PIECE.
(I have 5 pending tests now and I still got time to promote One Piece, proves that I'm super die hard fans)
First, I watch FairyTail.. this kind of animations is those adventurous and full of warming friendship type. At that time, only 80++ episodes out, and after I finished them, I felt so sad. =( Parting with Natsu and Grey Fullbuster.. then my friend copied OP to me and OMG. *beams*
Best animation. And the best of the best is, it is long and you wont feel sad because you know it wont end here. 
You know the feeling when you read a book and it comes to the ending you felt so sad and feel like you dont want to leave..

Knitting. Cooking. Arts and Crafts.

I did all of thing in my free time. ^^

And latest interest is, I read manga too.

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