Tuesday, December 18, 2012

About the Doom's Day

Most of the people is mentioning and discussing bout the Doom's Day, which is predicted to fall on 21st December.

They says, the world will be in total blackout for 3 whole days due to the alignment of the universe..  Donno what shifting from 3-D to Zero-D and go to 4-D thing. =_=

Seriously, I rather you swept us all than have 3 day of darkness.

Imagine staying in Kuala Terengganu, which is the monsoon season now, we dont need 3 days of total darkness to increase our misery. Other than that, I have no time for 3 days break. The week of these total blackout suppose to be my study week and I have 3 damn Test 2 and 1 presentation. FML.

I dont know why my Tests seems endless. I have Tests every week. If I dont, means that week have presentations.

And people should be spending time doing things they like and being with their loved ones, and for us, who are studying away from home, this is the worse form of death.
We died in the state of
- having no nice food for the previous month (since mid-sem break, worse for those who didn go home during that time)
- having no relatives with us other than our beloved housemates and coursemates
- very cold or soaked, due to the non-stop rain here
- not even sleeping on a comfortable bed (we bought cheap mattress here)
- not even wearing one of your favourite garments
- not even have the chance to do something we like
- and lastly, not even have the chance to see our beloved one for the last time

If I believe that the doom's day is coming and I spend my time doing things I like, then the dooms day please come. If not, I will have another dooms day coming. Spent 3 happy day and then face the consequences of not doing revisions.

And finally,my conclusion is, I dont believe about Doom's Day. If it come, better kill me and all those cockroaches all together. So that cockroach will finally extinct.

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