Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Good To Have Awesome Group Members

As usual, every semester have group assignments, group projects and it is very important to have good groupmates. Because, in these assignments, one human strength is not enough. Especially when the time allocated is not enough and there are lots to do. 

I m now working on my Air Quality Monitoring Report, which is a report done based on our sampling on two monitoring sites, the urban and rural area, indoor and outdoor. Tomorrow is the due date. And our baby is almost done. Yes. Thank God. 

I am very happy that this report was done without major arguments and most of the group members are very very co-operating. We sit down, discussed and divide work. And each of us work out on our own part, and when we finished, we volunteered to do more, help the others and in the end, things were done smoothly. Very glad as I'm doing half of the compilation and edit the grammar and proof read. Most of the things were done by the time I want to compile and I just have to edit the sentences a bit to join everything. 

Glad. And happy. 

Okay. Only the Appendix and Conclusion part left. We have 5 hours tomorrow to do this. 

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