Monday, December 24, 2012

Back to December

When can I stop feeling sad when I think about you?

It's Christmas Eve. And it makes me think of you again. So I look through the old photos. I didn realised you've grown old and there are more and more white hairs on your head..

You're a big tree, holding us together.Giving us support. Never endlessly caring for us, worrying us.

I remember, there's once, Uncle Micheal ask me, what animal resembles himself, I said rooster. Because at time time, I think rooster is nice and not scary and easy to find, easy to be with. This is just like Uncle Micheal. Always willing to teach me new things, fascinates me and most important, play with me.

Then he ask again, what animal resembles Uncle Yim. I'm whispered "bulldog". This is because, Uncle Yim is large and fierce and makes me trembles. It's like he can simple crash me without effort.  Whenever he is around, I'll be very stiff. I dont understand why I'm so afraid of him that time. I trembles and my hearts almost stop whenever I show him my report card from school. I tried to avoid him in all means at home, scared that he will give me extra revisions, dictations and assignments.

And this man became one of the most important in my life that I feel stupid for being scared of him, feeling silly for avoiding him at home. I wished I could have more time to be with him now.

Another long post about you again.
How I wished I could go back to the December, when you're still around.

Love you, and hope that you'll watch over me, and him and her.

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