Monday, October 11, 2010

My Fully Packed Week

Last week is dramatic.


8.12a.m. My brother send me a msg that woke me up.
He said "4th Uncle passed away".
Cause of death.. suicide.

10.30 a.m. He texted me again.
He says, uncle may be murdered.

Sounds so dramatic.
At last, the police says he suicided.

My mum got 3 brothers. Two elder and one younger.
The two elder brother passed away last year. 
And now, another leave us.

The new year celebration wont be as crowded as it used to be anymore.
Those will just remain as memories.
Cherished Memories.


It's my younger brother, Zi Leong's birthday.
My house is preparing my uncle's funeral.
So, he cannot celebrate his birthday.
He is still a kid.. 
kids love birthday. 
Cos they can have presents..
Feel sad for him..

11p.m. Choir practise.
This week is Minggu Kokurikulum.
Our Choir Club have performance.
Sing. Sing. And sing.


Lecturer told us that our exam had postponed. 
From 12 Oct to 19 Oct.
Means my Material Engineering test will fall on the same week with the Engineering Maths test and sesi soal jawab Hunbungan Etnik!!! =_=

11p.m. Choir again.


Xin ku's birthday.. 
Cant celebrate with her..

Wish her Happy Birthday.
Love you always...


Finally, the PTPTN people came collect our documents.
Queued up from 9.30a.m. to 12p.m.
It's a big mess there.
Numbers are given but suddenly the numbering machine broke down.
Everyone rushed to the front like monkeys released from their cage.
Push here and there.
Knocking each other.
Squeezing like sardines.

And. The PTPTN people are super rude.
Treat us like dogs.. shouted at us.. shooed us. 


Went out for lunch.
"Coco Jumbo"

I ordered Chicken Chop rice with Onion Sauce. 
Super big plate!!
Ling : Japanese Chicken Chop Rice.
Price is just around RM6.90 - RM7.90!!

This thing is snow ice...
NAme: Ice Kacang Puppy Love XP

5p.m. Practise choir.
We are called to memorized 9 songs.
Two session of performance.
3 songs at first and 6 at the latter one.

The authorized people keep changing our songs..
Suddenly says sing 6 songs.. then become 3.. 

Nite time. 
Riang Ria Raya En. Tech.
I didn go.


Choir choir choir whole day.
Afternoon.. rehearsal at the hall.
9 songs become 5.
2 in the first session.
3 in the last one.
=_= I copied the all lyrics into a small booklet..
Waste my time and energy.

Finally, night time. Performance.

We are called to wear our Batik..

Ling - Callister *She trained us* - Me - Kit Yin *our conductor*

First session, we sang 2 songs.
Negaraku and UMT Cita Warisan.

wait. wait. wait.
Waiting for second session.
We practised hard for the songs..
Sweet songs.. ^^

Suddenly.. they told us our session canselled.
Then we argued.. protested.. complained..
Finally.. One song only.


Thats all.

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