Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Move On

Human survived in a life where we need to face departures and arrivals. 
Just like in airport, people came, and people left.

When I'm small, I never thought much about this. 
I remembered when my grandpa and grandma (Mum's side) passed away, I dont even know what exactly is happening.. Why is everyone crying?

Finally, in my Form 5, first time in my life, suffering from a loss of my beloved grandpa (dad's side). 
He is a great man. 
I think is is handsome. ^^ He knows a lot. 
He is kind, just and fair to all grandchildren.. 
And he is one of the two people who remembered my lunar birthday.

Felt so regret for not having breakfast with him when he asked me to.
And now, I dont have the chance anymore.

And soon, more and more people left me. And I knew that we have to move on even we know it's hard to.

Another thing is, growing up. 
Growing up is a process that let me learn a lot of things that is unfamiliar to me. 
Something that I never faced before. 
Something that needs me to be tough to face.
No one is going to spoon-feed me.

And I couldnt go back to the past and do things that I used to.

Such as, celebrating birthdays at home, with parents, friends and relatives..
Or celebrating the festivals with my loved ones.. Having parties..

When one of my uncle passed away last year, I really cannot faced this reality.
I keep on assuming that he is still working in Brunei...
And everytime when I force myself to accept this fact that he is not going to come back, I cant stop my tears from flowing out.
I dont understand why.
He brought so many good memories to me, why cant I just smile or laugh when I recall back this memories instead of crying.

It's so hard for me to believe that he is not coming back anymore.
But I still have to move on.

Like now, I am away from my hometown.
Away from the people I used to be with..
I am not used to it in the beginning.
I am having a hard life here.

But I have already accept this reality that I got to stay here for the coming 4 years.

So, I tried my best to adapt to this place and make myself happy here.
And yes, I did it.
I make my room warm and cozy.. 
I get along well with my new friends..
And I dont feel sad anymore when I am here.

Life is still going to move on even we dont want it to.
So, face the reality! 成长是要付出代价!

Sorry.. I dunno what am I bragging here actually. =_= 
Just feel like blogging and then I simply find a topic and elaborate on it. 


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