Saturday, October 2, 2010

After the boring c0-curricular activities

To some people, co-cu is fun and interesting...
good thing to do to fill up your "nothing-to-do" time..

But to me, it's Duh.

Why? Why co-cu? =_=

I would rather stay in the room, sleep, eat, watch drama or just sit down.

I dont like outdoor activities.
I cannot do any sports.
Basically, I dont like to move and sweats.
*Other than shopping<<<  my 激烈运动.. 劳力+精神+金钱*

Back to the main topic~ ^^

After the boring co-cu.. we must treat ourselves better..  means have a nice lunch!

With Ling gps navigator.. we can find any restaurants we want with a few clicks.. ^^
*Luckily Stickkie taught me how to use*

We was looking for Secret Recipe but we found another better restaurant!

We = Me, Ling, Puge and Loh (Puge's roommate, aka Ling's coursemate)

My lunch ~ Myanmar Curry Prawn Mee

Ling's Chicken Chop..

After lunch.. we went to Giant and Mydin..

To but biscuits.. mees... bla bla bla...

And we bought things to make steamboat in out room with my rice cooker!!

Bought chicken to make chic soup.. ^^

Yummy! ^^

Stickkie.. the soup is marvellous...
Next time make for u. U must finish it ar...n_n


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