Friday, May 7, 2010

Women's Greatest Power @ Love

When a women loves you, she can sacrifice everything for you..
She can forgive all of your mistakes and wrongdoings..

No matter how many lies you've told.. or how people around her objected their relationship, she can still be tough to continue loving you..

Exp: A mum's love for her daughter
A ma'am walk all the way from my housing area to school to fetch her daughter after school and then walk back to the bus station to take bus back home.
Distance from her house to the school : roughly around 2km
The weather outside is super hot.. with high UV radiations... 

Mums in Kampar are very loving I think..
During lunchtime, they will be very busy.. They rushed back home to prepare lunch and then send it to school.. bring fans and stools.. Feed their children.. wipe their sweaty faces... check their homework with the classmates' parents to ensure that their child have mark them down correctly..
They wait till the school bell rings, only then, they bid goodbye..

Out of ideas to continue.. XP Mum cooked bak kut teh tonight.. Yummy! Byes...

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